
Develop a an automated ChatGPT agent which not only writes code, but tests and re-write code for you. In fact, you can request your agent to do just about anything.

By going through this course, you will not only learn and master Rust from A-Z, but you will also have extensive knowledge in how to build your very own AutoGPT.

The name of the AutoGPT we build together will be Auto-Gippity.

Auto-Gippity will simply be given a task, which it will break down and delegate to other agents to complete. Each agent will be responsible for testing its own output.

Our test piece will be to build an agent that writes a web server given a template. It will write the code in Rust. Not only that, but we will write the agent, that writes Rust Rust. Fantastic. What a time to be a developer.

AutoGPTs will only continue to become extremely relevant and highly sought after and combining these with the worlds favourite programming language, Rust, means that we can build an application which is blazingly fast, memory-safe, modern and robust.

Right now, there is a window of opportunity to learn this fantastic and uncommon technology before it takes over in software engineering.

Just think, you could build an AutoGPT that say, develops full stack SAAS websites end-to-end. With technologies like GPT-4 and soon beyond, such agents will only continue to improve in their performance.

Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.

You will learn:

  • How to work with the Open AI API and the GPT-4 API using Rust

  • How to master rust from A to Z, progressing from beginner, to intermediate, to advanced and beyond

  • How to build AI functions (special functions that extract a desired response from large-language-models)

  • How to develop a web server template (including an introduction to web servers) using Actix Web

  • How to build an Automated GPT agent (Auto-Gippity) which writes code, that executes and tests code. If the code is wrong, it will simply re-write it and test again

We are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.

See you in class!



Develop a an automated ChatGPT agent which not only writes code, but tests and re-write code for you. In fact, you can request your agent to do just about anything.

By going through this course, you will not only learn and master Rust from A-Z, but you will also have extensive knowledge in how to build your very own AutoGPT.

The name of the AutoGPT we build together will be Auto-Gippity.

Auto-Gippity will simply be given a task, which it will break down and delegate to other agents to complete. Each agent will be responsible for testing its own output.

Our test piece will be to build an agent that writes a web server given a template. It will write the code in Rust. Not only that, but we will write the agent, that writes Rust Rust. Fantastic. What a time to be a developer.

AutoGPTs will only continue to become extremely relevant and highly sought after and combining these with the worlds favourite programming language, Rust, means that we can build an application which is blazingly fast, memory-safe, modern and robust.

Right now, there is a window of opportunity to learn this fantastic and uncommon technology before it takes over in software engineering.

Just think, you could build an AutoGPT that say, develops full stack SAAS websites end-to-end. With technologies like GPT-4 and soon beyond, such agents will only continue to improve in their performance.

Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.

You will learn:

  • How to work with the Open AI API and the GPT-4 API using Rust

  • How to master rust from A to Z, progressing from beginner, to intermediate, to advanced and beyond

  • How to build AI functions (special functions that extract a desired response from large-language-models)

  • How to develop a web server template (including an introduction to web servers) using Actix Web

  • How to build an Automated GPT agent (Auto-Gippity) which writes code, that executes and tests code. If the code is wrong, it will simply re-write it and test again

We are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.

See you in class!



Python Mastery: Accelerate Your Coding Journey with Google Bard AI

Are you looking to master Python programming in record time? Join our cutting-edge online course, "Python Accelerator: Mastering Python with Google Bard AI." This unique program combines the power of Python with the assistance of Google Bard AI, enabling you to fast-track your Python skills and become proficient in no time.

In this course, you will delve into the fundamentals of Python programming, gaining a solid understanding of syntax, variables, data structures, and control flow. With the guidance of Google Bard AI, you'll navigate through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, building a strong foundation in Python programming principles.

Harness the power of Python, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages, and unlock its full potential with the assistance of Google Bard AI. This innovative course combines interactive lessons, hands-on projects, and AI-guided learning to deliver an immersive and dynamic learning experience.

Starting with the fundamentals, you'll learn Python syntax, data types, and control structures, enabling you to write clean and efficient code. Through practical examples and exercises, you'll gain proficiency in handling data structures, file manipulation, and exception handling.

Discover the art of object-oriented programming (OOP) and leverage its principles to design elegant and scalable code. You'll learn to create classes, inherit functionality, and employ polymorphism, empowering you to build complex software systems with ease.

What sets this course apart is the integration of Google Bard AI. Throughout your learning journey, you'll have a virtual programming assistant that provides personalized guidance, offers optimization suggestions, and helps you debug your code effectively. Embrace the power of AI to enhance your learning and achieve exceptional results.

By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the skills to tackle real-world Python projects confidently. Collaborate with fellow learners, showcase your creativity, and apply your knowledge to solve hands-on coding challenges. Our comprehensive curriculum and AI-powered learning environment ensure a fast-paced and engaging experience tailored to your individual needs.

Don't miss this opportunity to master Python programming efficiently. Enroll in "Python Mastery: Accelerate Your Coding Journey with Google Bard AI" and embark on a learning adventure that will shape your future as a skilled Python developer.

By the end of this course, you will be fluent in Python course and ready to work with any Python application you can dream of.

        Sign up today, and look forward to:

        HD Video Lectures

        Python Challenges and Exercises

        Lovely real-world dynamic examples

About Your Instructor

Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 40,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.

Enroll now to join the world of Python programming and start building your own applications today!


Python Mastery: Accelerate Your Coding Journey with Google Bard AI

Are you looking to master Python programming in record time? Join our cutting-edge online course, "Python Accelerator: Mastering Python with Google Bard AI." This unique program combines the power of Python with the assistance of Google Bard AI, enabling you to fast-track your Python skills and become proficient in no time.

In this course, you will delve into the fundamentals of Python programming, gaining a solid understanding of syntax, variables, data structures, and control flow. With the guidance of Google Bard AI, you'll navigate through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, building a strong foundation in Python programming principles.

Harness the power of Python, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages, and unlock its full potential with the assistance of Google Bard AI. This innovative course combines interactive lessons, hands-on projects, and AI-guided learning to deliver an immersive and dynamic learning experience.

Starting with the fundamentals, you'll learn Python syntax, data types, and control structures, enabling you to write clean and efficient code. Through practical examples and exercises, you'll gain proficiency in handling data structures, file manipulation, and exception handling.

Discover the art of object-oriented programming (OOP) and leverage its principles to design elegant and scalable code. You'll learn to create classes, inherit functionality, and employ polymorphism, empowering you to build complex software systems with ease.

What sets this course apart is the integration of Google Bard AI. Throughout your learning journey, you'll have a virtual programming assistant that provides personalized guidance, offers optimization suggestions, and helps you debug your code effectively. Embrace the power of AI to enhance your learning and achieve exceptional results.

By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the skills to tackle real-world Python projects confidently. Collaborate with fellow learners, showcase your creativity, and apply your knowledge to solve hands-on coding challenges. Our comprehensive curriculum and AI-powered learning environment ensure a fast-paced and engaging experience tailored to your individual needs.

Don't miss this opportunity to master Python programming efficiently. Enroll in "Python Mastery: Accelerate Your Coding Journey with Google Bard AI" and embark on a learning adventure that will shape your future as a skilled Python developer.

By the end of this course, you will be fluent in Python course and ready to work with any Python application you can dream of.

        Sign up today, and look forward to:

        HD Video Lectures

        Python Challenges and Exercises

        Lovely real-world dynamic examples

About Your Instructor

Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 40,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.

Enroll now to join the world of Python programming and start building your own applications today!


Unlock your full potential in JavaScript with the "Master JavaScript Quickly Using ChatGPT Open AI" online course. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this comprehensive course is designed to help you quickly gain mastery over JavaScript and its modern tools and techniques.

JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development, and this course provides a fast-track learning experience to help you become proficient in JavaScript programming. Through interactive lessons, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, you'll acquire the skills needed to build dynamic, interactive, and efficient web applications.

The course begins with the fundamentals of JavaScript, covering topics such as variables, data types, functions, and control flow. You'll then dive into DOM manipulation, learning how to create engaging user experiences by dynamically modifying web pages and handling user events.

Stay up to date with the latest JavaScript features and enhancements introduced in ECMAScript 6 and beyond. You'll explore topics like arrow functions, literals, modules, and more, empowering you to write cleaner, more concise code.

No modern web development workflow is complete without the right tools, and this course introduces you to essential tasks like DOM objects, and classes. You'll learn how to optimize your development process, manage dependencies, and build efficient web applications.

Gain hands-on experience with client-side web validations. You'll also develop strong problem-solving and debugging skills by try-catch block coding, ensuring you can identify and fix errors in your JavaScript code.

Using the ChatGPT as a tool to get your real-world project code and learn to customize the functionality.

Join this course today and accelerate your JavaScript learning journey. Master JavaScript quickly using the power of ChatGPT Open AI and emerge as a confident and proficient JavaScript developer. Enroll now and unlock the potential of JavaScript!

Note: This is an online self-paced course, allowing you to learn at your own convenience from anywhere in the world. You'll have lifetime access to the course materials, enabling you to revisit the content and stay updated with the latest advancements in JavaScript.


Unlock your full potential in JavaScript with the "Master JavaScript Quickly Using ChatGPT Open AI" online course. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this comprehensive course is designed to help you quickly gain mastery over JavaScript and its modern tools and techniques.

JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development, and this course provides a fast-track learning experience to help you become proficient in JavaScript programming. Through interactive lessons, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, you'll acquire the skills needed to build dynamic, interactive, and efficient web applications.

The course begins with the fundamentals of JavaScript, covering topics such as variables, data types, functions, and control flow. You'll then dive into DOM manipulation, learning how to create engaging user experiences by dynamically modifying web pages and handling user events.

Stay up to date with the latest JavaScript features and enhancements introduced in ECMAScript 6 and beyond. You'll explore topics like arrow functions, literals, modules, and more, empowering you to write cleaner, more concise code.

No modern web development workflow is complete without the right tools, and this course introduces you to essential tasks like DOM objects, and classes. You'll learn how to optimize your development process, manage dependencies, and build efficient web applications.

Gain hands-on experience with client-side web validations. You'll also develop strong problem-solving and debugging skills by try-catch block coding, ensuring you can identify and fix errors in your JavaScript code.

Using the ChatGPT as a tool to get your real-world project code and learn to customize the functionality.

Join this course today and accelerate your JavaScript learning journey. Master JavaScript quickly using the power of ChatGPT Open AI and emerge as a confident and proficient JavaScript developer. Enroll now and unlock the potential of JavaScript!

Note: This is an online self-paced course, allowing you to learn at your own convenience from anywhere in the world. You'll have lifetime access to the course materials, enabling you to revisit the content and stay updated with the latest advancements in JavaScript.


Unlock the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and take your JavaScript programming skills to the next level with our comprehensive course, "ChatGPT for JavaScript Mastery | The Secrets of AI Revealed." In this dynamic and hands-on learning experience, you will dive into the fascinating world of AI and discover the secrets behind building intelligent chatbot applications using JavaScript and the groundbreaking ChatGPT technology.

Throughout this course, you will gain a solid foundation in AI principles and machine learning concepts while mastering the intricacies of JavaScript programming. Starting from the basics, you will learn JavaScript syntax, data structures, and functions, empowering you to implement advanced AI solutions seamlessly.

With our expert-led instruction, you will explore the inner workings of ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI, and learn how to harness its capabilities to build robust and interactive chatbot applications. From handling user inputs and generating dynamic responses to integrating external APIs and services, you will acquire the skills to create chatbots that can understand, communicate, and adapt to human interactions effectively.

Furthermore, this course will delve into natural language processing (NLP) techniques and guide you in leveraging JavaScript libraries and frameworks to process and analyze human language, enabling your chatbots to provide personalized and context-aware responses.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and expertise to build sophisticated chatbot applications, enhancing user experiences and bringing the secrets of AI to life. Join us on this exciting journey and unlock the true potential of AI with ChatGPT and JavaScript mastery!


Unlock the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and take your JavaScript programming skills to the next level with our comprehensive course, "ChatGPT for JavaScript Mastery | The Secrets of AI Revealed." In this dynamic and hands-on learning experience, you will dive into the fascinating world of AI and discover the secrets behind building intelligent chatbot applications using JavaScript and the groundbreaking ChatGPT technology.

Throughout this course, you will gain a solid foundation in AI principles and machine learning concepts while mastering the intricacies of JavaScript programming. Starting from the basics, you will learn JavaScript syntax, data structures, and functions, empowering you to implement advanced AI solutions seamlessly.

With our expert-led instruction, you will explore the inner workings of ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI, and learn how to harness its capabilities to build robust and interactive chatbot applications. From handling user inputs and generating dynamic responses to integrating external APIs and services, you will acquire the skills to create chatbots that can understand, communicate, and adapt to human interactions effectively.

Furthermore, this course will delve into natural language processing (NLP) techniques and guide you in leveraging JavaScript libraries and frameworks to process and analyze human language, enabling your chatbots to provide personalized and context-aware responses.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and expertise to build sophisticated chatbot applications, enhancing user experiences and bringing the secrets of AI to life. Join us on this exciting journey and unlock the true potential of AI with ChatGPT and JavaScript mastery!

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Welcome to Building Chat GPT Clone and Text to Image Generator course. This is a fully guided project based course where you will be building a clone version of Chat GPT an AI text to image generator using Python and Gradio. Despite the fact that building a Chat GPT clone might sound a bit intimidating due to the complexity of the project, nonetheless, there is nothing you should worry about since the course will guide you step by step on how to get there. For this project we will be mainly relying upon Open AI API to get data and integrate it to Gradio which is an open source Python framework to test and deploy AI models. This clone project will be able to perform just like the real Chat GPT where it takes whatever input from the users, afterward, the produced output from Chat GPT clone will imitate human-like response since the user interface is fully integrated with the Open AI API system. Thus pretty similar to AI text to image generator, it takes a text as input from the users and the output produced will be an image where it was made possible by Open AI API.

For those of you, who are not confident with your skills in Python or you might have not had previous experience in Python programming before, there is no need to worry since this course also comes with a basic Python training session where you will learn all the basics that you need to excel on this project. Last but not least, this course based project will enable you to learn many things at once and it turns out to be the most efficient way to learn since you are actively implementing all of your knowledge and skills into building real projects.

List of things you will learn in this course:

  1. Basic Python Training Session

  • Understanding several data types in Python

  • Operating List in Python

  • Creating function and passing parameters in Python

  1. Actual Project:

  • Learn how to connect to Open AI API

  • Gradion integration

  • Building Chat GPT clone

  • Building AI text to image generator

  • Understanding the logics behind AI chatbot

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Welcome to Building Chat GPT Clone and Text to Image Generator course. This is a fully guided project based course where you will be building a clone version of Chat GPT an AI text to image generator using Python and Gradio. Despite the fact that building a Chat GPT clone might sound a bit intimidating due to the complexity of the project, nonetheless, there is nothing you should worry about since the course will guide you step by step on how to get there. For this project we will be mainly relying upon Open AI API to get data and integrate it to Gradio which is an open source Python framework to test and deploy AI models. This clone project will be able to perform just like the real Chat GPT where it takes whatever input from the users, afterward, the produced output from Chat GPT clone will imitate human-like response since the user interface is fully integrated with the Open AI API system. Thus pretty similar to AI text to image generator, it takes a text as input from the users and the output produced will be an image where it was made possible by Open AI API.

For those of you, who are not confident with your skills in Python or you might have not had previous experience in Python programming before, there is no need to worry since this course also comes with a basic Python training session where you will learn all the basics that you need to excel on this project. Last but not least, this course based project will enable you to learn many things at once and it turns out to be the most efficient way to learn since you are actively implementing all of your knowledge and skills into building real projects.

List of things you will learn in this course:

  1. Basic Python Training Session

  • Understanding several data types in Python

  • Operating List in Python

  • Creating function and passing parameters in Python

  1. Actual Project:

  • Learn how to connect to Open AI API

  • Gradion integration

  • Building Chat GPT clone

  • Building AI text to image generator

  • Understanding the logics behind AI chatbot